"Moonlight Tariff" is a story of a spunky, lovelorn photographer's pursuit of a handsome doctor in this German cross between "Bridget Jones" and "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain."
Cora Hubsch's visit to her gynecologist ends in confused stammering to the substitute physician Daniel, an attractive young man who she imagines to be her lover. The following day Cora impatiently waits for Daniel to call her, but he does not. In her imagination, Cora plays through all of the possible scenarios: Should she follow her girlfriend's advice and not call him, at least for three days? Is he really interested in her? Is there another woman in his life, or perhaps even many? Suddenly, he shows up at her doorstep. This is the beginning of this story about love, sex, relationships and everyday vanities and forms the basis for telling the story of the encounter between Cora and Daniel in interlinked flashbacks and entertaining episodes.