Sofia in the years of “mature” socialism. A group of former classmates from Sofia High School in “Lozenets” share a common bohemian company and together experience both their dramatic intimate stories and their small forms of resistance against the norm – ideological and moral. And the heart of this diverse circle of friends is Coco Bohema – a born artist and an irresistible handsome man, unadaptable to the regime, possessed by the dream of the “Orient Express” taking him beyond the border.
An expressively told story, filled with uplifting and degrading human passions, insatiable love and betrayals, strung on a thread of documentary events. A novel about unpredictable feelings, about the devastation of the heart and the sins of happiness. About the diverse fate of a generation that found itself on the edge of historical time.
“This is a novel about the constant thirst for love. About our daily small or large sacrifices. Love can also be insatiable. For the time when bohemians already knew how to be more generous - by creating more memories. The flames of love are extinguished in the family hearth, Goethe wrote. This novel makes it clear that one can love even ashes.” - Dimitar Shumnaliev