What is it like to narrate your life quantitatively? That is the question this book tackles. Charly Delwart – both author and main character – has always asked about everything. When he discovered while reading a statistic that there were 200,000 wild wolves on earth compared to 400 million domestic dogs, he asked himself a new question: whether simple numbers give a clear picture of what is happening to our world, whether statistics could illuminate his own existence? To say who he was and what he is at the moment of his 44 years? By attempting to graphically represent his inner and social life, Charly Delwart creates a new kind of biography: one that is told in numbers, illustrating his personal details with stories and memories. So he invents a way to self-analyze, to stand in front of himself as in front of a magnifying mirror.
"Databiography" is a book written with self-irony and humor, but also a completely serious, disturbing book, dedicated to the questions that each of us asks ourselves, sooner or later.
This project has been funded with support from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.