"Following the Shadow of the Condor" is the account of an epic, two-month, nightmarish-comic, 6,000-kilometer journey along the spine of the Southern Andes, from Santiago de Chile, through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and the Galapagos, to Bogotá, Colombia. Without itinerary, plan and reservations. And as it quickly becomes clear - without adequate preparation.
The intrepid travel team consists of a mother and daughter, both known for their fiery Balkan temperaments and indomitable Eastern European stubbornness, as well as their opposite approaches to the challenges of life in principle, and to travel in particular. The two conquerors of the world follow the shadow of the legendary Andean condor, overcoming altitude sickness, concussion, memory loss, language barriers and cultural clashes. They survive without oxygen, internet, and sometimes without shelter among the alien landscapes of the high mountain Atacama desert, the unearthly beauty of the Galapagos archipelago, the challenging cities of Latin America, their deadly traffic and inimitable architecture.
And these are just some of the adventures of the two travelers during their two-month journey following the shadow of the condor.