"Dare to Connect" is a book that answers the question of how interaction with children can be less traumatic and more - how it can be supportive for them. The book gives many examples from the author's practice, from which it becomes clear how we, the adults, can be more respectful and less hurtful when we introduce children to the reality of the world.
Psychomotor skills is not only a therapeutic method that deals with complex medical, neurobiological, psychological and psychoanalytic components and which helps children to overcome their difficulties and increase their competencies; it can also be applied as a preventive measure in the pedagogical daily life of kindergartens and schools. Precisely in the preventive aspect, the concept and principles of the method can provide important guidelines for modern society. It is about providing children with the necessary framework for a successful personal development. Only when a child is internally stable is he or she open to learning. This has long been recognized by a number of European countries and today Psychomotor skills are used as a regular class in schools in many countries.
"Dare to connect" will be useful for specialists in psychomotor skills, as well as for a wide range of educators and teachers, medical professionals, therapists, social workers and parents.