This school aid consists of 12 tests in the format of the National External Assessment, brief descriptions of the student essays studied, 12 texts for recounting, answers to the test tasks and answer sheets. The main purpose of the authors was to enable the seventh-graders to prepare themselves for the assessment throughout the school year, and to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the students.
The benefits of this collection are:
- structuring the tests according to the sequence of the new knowledge acquired in Bulgarian language and literature classes;
- literary assignments were formulated in a clear and accessible way, presenting all relevant concepts, authors, works, ideas from the curriculum;
- the texts proposed for retelling were written specifically for this school aid and were tailored to the age characteristics of seventh-graders;
- the availability of a response form trains students to work in an exam situation;
- for the first time, various didactic tasks, and not just one, were transformed into a compilation for transformative retelling