Halldóra K. Thoroddsen was born in 1950 and is a resident of Reykjavik. She graduated from Iceland College of Education in 1976 and from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 1986. Thoroddsen has worked as a teacher, designed layout for a newspaper, supervised the arts curriculum for elementary schools, and worked as a programme director in radio. She writes poetry, short stories, microfiction and novels. Her first poetry collection, Hárfínar athugasemdir, was published in 1998, and was followed in 2002 by a popular collection of microfiction, 90 sýni úr minni mínu. A second collection of poems, Gangandi vegfarandi, was published in 2005, the short story collection Aukaverkanir in 2006, and her novel Tvöfalt gler in 2016.
Tvöfalt gler (Double Glazing) was awarded the Icelandic Women’s Literature Prize (Fjöruverðlaunin) in 2016.